I have gone through the experience of teaching primary school kids . Some of my friends from other courses told me that it will be easy teaching primary school kids because they are just kids. But the truth is , it's not . It is not an easy task for me . It's tough ! The planning part is not that hard but the execution part is .
I did my practicum at SK Taman Desa and had been assigned to teach year 5 kids . First time I step into their class , I'm shaking . Like literally . I don't think I've prepared myself to teach . Well , the class teacher ask me to introduce myself . And the whole class is in silence . I don't know if they don't understand what I'm saying , or they just be nice , or my voice is too slow .
Anyway , my first impression is they are good kids . Didn't cause trouble as they are in the top class . But nooo . After a couple of weeks they started to show their true colours , real atitude . The I-want-to-throw-you-out-of-the-window kind of attitude . If only I can do that . But hey , it's my job (as a teacher at that time) to mould them.
It is not always bad you know . There are times when I really enjoyed being a practicum teacher . Like when I join the bowling tournament with the teachers . I am not talkative and I don't know how to start a conversation . We (another practicum teacher) are on our own most of the time . So this thing make me , well , not talkative but kind of mingle with other teachers .
So , that's it I think . I don't wanna cramp my head with all the memories during my time in that school . It's not that I miss being a teacher . But I don't like to be a teacher . I don't think I deserve being a teacher . It's not just a job or profession . It is a responsibility ; a huge one , and I don't think I can handle it . I'll find another job in the future .